Pelham City Schools works to support and foster school-related communications among parents, students, staff, and community
The district and school websites provide a comprehensive source of information about our school system along with a calendar, news and updates, contact information, maps, photos, and more.
Pelham sports news, team schedules, and more about middle and high school athletics can be viewed at
Other information about our schools is communicated through the PCS Express eNewsletter. PCS Express is produced during the school year and contains important district information, plus features on students, upcoming events, and more. The eNewsletter is sent via email to parents and posted on the News & Info section of the district website.
Pelham City Schools uses Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to keep parents, students and community members connected with updates on school and district news, student achievements, and events.
Another communication tool used by schools and the school district is the parent notification system. Pelham City Schools uses the Blackboard Parent Notification System to provide timely communication to parents and staff members by phone and/or email regarding school delays and cancellations, district and school emergencies, attendance, and other important school news.
Additionally, many classes and groups use Remind and/or Google Classroom to communicate with students and parents about class assignments, updates, reminders, etc. Access codes are typically provided to students and parents at the beginning of the school year. Visit your student's teacher(s) websites to find out more about how the teacher communicates with students and parents.