Dr. Chuck Ledbetter
Dr. Chuck Ledbetter became the superintendent of Pelham City
Schools in June 2022. An educator for over 30 years, Dr. Ledbetter’s experience spans roles from classroom history teacher, assistant principal, middle school principal, and high school principal to assistant superintendent for curriculum and for finance, and he is now in his 14th year as a superintendent. He previously served as superintendent in Dublin, Georgia; Dothan, Alabama; and Pike Road, Alabama prior to joining Pelham City Schools.
Dr. Ledbetter’s vision aligns with the commitment from the Pelham board of education and the community to have a great school system, and he believes we should be the best we can be in whatever we do, be it academics, arts, or athletics, and prepare each student for a successful future.
When asked about his accomplishments as superintendent, Dr. Ledbetter referenced improvements in academic test scores and expansion of offerings that allow students to engage in learning and use what they learn to solve real-world problems. “We’re preparing kids for a world where the jobs they’re going into may not exist today. We need to prepare kids to become critical thinkers, lifelong learners, and effective communicators. Those skill sets go along with the content we teach,” says Ledbetter.
A graduate of Auburn High School, he attended Furman University and played football for the Paladins as a freshman, then graduated from Auburn University with a B.A. in history. Dr. Ledbetter taught high school history and government while also coaching football and basketball. He earned a master of education degree in social studies from Auburn-Montgomery and a doctor of education degree in educational leadership from Auburn University.
Dr. Ledbetter currently serves as president of the American Association of School Administrators (AASA) Century Club 100, a group consisting of two superintendents from each state that gets together once a year to discuss ideas and issues in education. This group has existed since 1915. He serves on the boards of the Council for Leaders of Alabama Schools and the School Superintendents of Alabama.
He is married to Kim Ledbetter and has three daughters, two sons-in-law, and five grandchildren.
Dr. Ledbetter can be reached via email at [email protected].