Khadidr Jones Named Next Principal of Pelham Ridge

Mrs. Khadidr Jones Named Next Principal of Pelham Ridge Elementary School
Posted on 05/01/2024

At the Pelham City Schools Board of Education meeting on April 30, Mrs. Khadidr Jones was named as the next principal of Pelham Ridge Elementary School. She is set to replace Mrs. Lisa Baxter who will be retiring in July. Mrs. Jones has been serving as the assistant principal for the past five years and before that she served the school in roles as instructional coach, administrative lead teacher and fifth-grade teacher.

Reflecting on her new role, Mrs. Jones shared, “I look forward to the opportunity to continue to build a school culture that invests in the lives of children daily (INSPIRE); believes in collective efficacy (EMPOWER); and supports educational programs where student learning and growth are priority (ACHIEVE). Being a school leader isn’t about acting alone; rather, it’s about involving the whole school community and taking our students forward together.”

Mrs. Baxter expressed her full confidence in Mrs. Jones, saying, “Leaving Pelham Ridge Elementary School in the capable hands of Khadidr Jones fills me with excitement. Together, we'll ensure a smooth transition this summer. I have 100% confidence in her leadership.”

Dr. Chuck Ledbetter, superintendent of Pelham City Schools echoed this sentiment, highlighting Mrs. Jones' professional demeanor, leadership abilities and the depth of her experience across various roles within the school, stating “Mrs. Jones has demonstrated unwavering commitment and dedication throughout her tenure in Pelham City Schools. I’m confident in her ability to lead Pelham Ridge Elementary School, and I look forward to seeing the positive impact she will continue to make in the lives of our students."